Monday, August 10, 2009

Google Caffeine - New version of Google Search?

Google has just unveiled a “secret project” of “next-generation architecture for Google’s web search“.

What's New

The categories for the new search engine on are as follows: speed, accuracy, temporal relevancy, and index size. Here’s how we define those:

Speed: How fast can the new search engine load results?

Accuracy: Which set of results is more accurate to the search term?

Temporal Relevancy: Is one version of search better at capturing breaking news?

Index Size: Is it really more comprehensive than the last version of Google?

Please visit the web developer preview of Google's new infrastructure at and try searches there.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Servlets vs Portlets

  • Portlets are not accessible by a URL. Portlets are intended to be part of a page, as opposed to being independent pages.
  • Browsers and web clients interact with portlets through the portal server. Portlets can neither set HTTP headers, nor be aware of the client URL.
  • The portal server provides a customized subset of the request object to a portlet.
  • Portlets only contribute a fragment of the HTML page that is eventually presented to the browser, and not the whole page. A portal server aggregates these fragments from various portlets to create a final page.
  • Portlets come with certain modes and window states that make them function independently of the whole page behavior.
  • Portlets have access to some specialized functionality that allows storage of states and preferences across requests and sessions.

Monday, August 3, 2009

Eclipse based LDAP Browser and Directory Client

Apache Directory Studio is a completely directory tooling platform intended to be used with any LDAP server however it is particularly designed for use with Apache Directory Sever.

  • LDAP Browser
The LDAP Browser has been designed to work with almost any LDAP server available. It not only permits to read and display the tree of your LDAP Server but also allows you to modify it by creating, editing or removing entries.
  • LDIF Editor
The LDIF Editor is a tool for editing LDIF files. It provides syntax highlighting and content assistance.
  • Schema Editor
The Schema Editor has been designed to edit the schema files in the OpenLDAP format. It allows you to edit easily attribute types and object classes for Apache Directory Server and OpenLDAP.
  • Embeded ApacheDS
Apache Directory Studio bundles the latest version of the LDAPV3 certified Apache DS. Creating and launching a new LDAP server now takes less than 10 seconds!
  • ApacheDS Configuration
The Apache DS Configuration Editor can be used to edit the server configuration ('server.xml' file) of an Apache Directory Server installation.
  • ACI Editor
The ACI Editor allows you to define, for an entry or a set of entries, graphically or manually (in souce code mode), an ACI (Access Control Information) item specification for Apache Directory Server.
  • Internationalization
Apache Directory Studio is now internationalized in English, French and German. We're also open for volunteers who want to add another language support.
  • Multi-platform & in eclipse
Based on Eclipse, Apache Directory Studio is a multi-plaform application that runs on Mac OS X, Linux and Windows, and also as plugins inside Eclipse itself.